- A brand new engine
- A brand new transmission
- Power steering
- New clutch
We took it out on Memorial Day to test the new engine....and it ran perfectly!
It was great for me just to get out and go somewhere. Fruit stands are popping up along the state routes with everything from asparagus, onions, and oranges....to pears, cherries, peaches and of course strawberries and raspberries. Of course, it's early in the season for those fruits but I can't wait!
We were invited Sunday evening for barbecued ribs...what a fun evening! Wonderful food, great people!
This week, it's back to physical therapy appointments (ugh) and wishing I was able to get around with no crutches. I seriously am concerned about ever being able to completely bend and straighten my leg again. The progress in therapy is very minimal...the doctor doesn't say much...and my frustration level is going higher.