We had originally planned to head north to Indiana and Michigan from South Carolina......but the weather forecast was not sounding too favorable, and Henry received a phone call that will be taking us in a different direction.
The long and short of it is, we are now in San Antonio, Texas after travelling over 1100 miles in two days. By the way, Alabama and Mississippi are definitely two states I would love to spend considerable time in.
Anyway, tomorrow, we will be catching a flight to Fairbanks, Alaska, and will be there for a couple weeks. Henry has been asked to help with a friend's business while he is away on vacation. So, truck and trailer are set up at an RV park here in San Antonio, being watched by a friend of ours that happens to be right next door.
(I'm hoping that if time permits over one of the weekends in Alaska, maybe a short trip to Anchorage to see the kids and grandkids.)
Anderson, South Carolina

Amanda, Kyleigh & Savannah
College friends reunited

Greenville..the night before putting
our daughter on the plane back to Ak.
South Carolina was great because we were able to see Amanda!
And she was able to visit with her college friends again. We did some shopping while there, had dinner at a nice restaurant in downtown Anderson, played some Scrabble, some triple Solitaire, but most important just enjoyed being together.
Oh yes, and we packed up her things from storage and sent them on their way back to Alaska. By then, it was time to say goodbye (tough stuff).
Clarksville, Tennessee

our site in Clarksville

Montgomery Bell's tunnel

Craggie Hope Church, est. 1906

Craggie Hope Church, est. 1906
site of many movies and music videos

wild turkeys
Today we took a scenic drive through some Tennessee farmland and backroads. This is definitely some beautiful country! The leaves are beginning to turn oranges and reds so we loved seeing that. We found the little church (pictures above), but never found an old cemetery from the 1850's or an old mill. Nonetheless, the drive was gorgeous.
As we were toodling along, we spotted a barn with smoke coming out the top.....we thought we had better stop and let someone know a barn was on fire.....Henry pulled in to a driveway, knocked on their door and informed the lady that answered of the smoke coming from the barn. She replied with, "you must not be from around here." "They's smokin' 'bacca.".....(translation; the tobacco is being seasoned???)
We laughed, and drove away....are we the rednecks?
We are havin' a great time despite the fact that it is ONLY 46 degrees today in Tennessee! Henry, take me where it's warm!
More photos of Memphis

A. Schwab Hardware, founded 1876

A. Schwab Hardware

typical grocery store in W. Memphis

another grocery store

We travelled from Wichita to Ft. Smith, Arkansas the first day and stayed the night at a rest stop on I-40...then on to Memphis the following day. We stayed at T.O. Fuller State Park in Memphis for 2 nights. The park itself was absolutely beautiful! Clean, quiet and pretty. Memphis on the other hand, was disappointing. We spent a whole day driving and walking around the city. We saw Graceland, but felt the $60.00 to 'tour it' could be better spent elsewhere, We walked up and down Beale Street, had lunch at Silky O'Sullivan's, saw the pyramid, Mud River Park and the Mississippi. Memphis is full of history and culture, but it is unfortunate they have let the city become a garbage dump. There is no pride whatsoever...it's a shame.
Tonight we are in Clarksville, TN, and will leave Oct. 13th.
I tried to upload pictures with this post unsuccessfully, so will try the pictures tomorrow morning. ....Oct. 12 a.m....yup..photo above is at our site in Memphis.

Me, in front of Graceland

Mississippi River

Beale Street, Memphis
Group photo

The picture was taken from a ladder truck, courtesy of the Wichita Fire Department. Not all of the 45 or so trucks were able to make it for the photo, as some trucks were in the shop and others were out on the Stearman airplane rides.
Note our truck, front row, 4th from the left.
People are starting to pull out of Wichita today, so we will say our goodbyes until next year to many of them. This is our second rally and we will be looking forward to next year. We had an amazing time here. Lots of visiting, laughing, and education. As for us, we pull out tomorrow and will make our way to South Carolina.
HDT Rally 2006

Here are only a few of over 40 HDT's

Walking around the campground, this week, you won't see your typical 1/2 ton or 3/4 ton truck parked next to an RV. What you will see is a campground filled with over 45 BIG trucks parked next to mostly either a Teton, Travel Supreme or Hitchiker 5th wheel. Some trucks have been painted to match the 5th wheel trailer; others personalized with graphics, lettering or license plates.
The beds of the trucks are where you usually see the biggest differences. Some have had their bed designed to carry a motorcyle, a scooter, or even a golf cart. Many have had boxes built to house their tools, barbecue grills, etc. It is fun to walk the campground and check them out....By the way, we are still the only gold truck amidst lots of white and red.
On the way to Wichita

"follow the yellow brick road"

Henry & the scarecrow

Me and the Tin Man

Dorothy's house

And of course, our 'home', truck and
the little blue jeep that pushes us down the highway
(click all images to enlarge)
We had a great trip to Wichita...stayed the first night at Wal Mart Parking Lot in Albuquerque; second night in Liberal, Kansas and drove the last 213 miles in to Wichita where we were greeted by 41 other big trucks and 5th wheels. There are some beautiful trucks here this year! We are seeing friends we haven't seen since Quartzsite last January, and meeting new people. It is going to be an awesome week!
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