
Jeep Run To California

The "Red Leader" playing in the canal
It was raining really hard but we're never too
pretty to get dirty

Donald Duck Rock...isn't it cute?

The headstone of a dog that died in 1968. The
story goes, 'an old man loved his dog so much, that
when Lonesome died in 1968, the old man buried
him here (in the middle of nowhere) and asked
that visitors leave a rock in memory of Lonesome'

As you can see from this photo, LOTS of
people have left a rock for Lonesome over the
past 40+ years

Bones of a donkey, seen from some 50 feet above

Playing on a rock
A side trail
Chocolate Mountains

And, of course, BlackJack.
He is always ready to go Jeepin'!
It was a long day. We all met at 9:00 a.m. for an easy jeep run. There were 8 vehicles in this run which took us in to California. The weather was cloudy and rainy for the most part of the day, but a little rain and mud just makes it all that more enjoyable. After all, what else would be doing?
We saw Chocolate Mountain, pictured above...Ice Cream Canyon, which looks very much like scoops of different colored ice cream (that picture didn't do justice, so I'm not posting it), Donald Duck Rock, seen above....and Dog Town. Dog Town is just a spot on the trail where we all let our dogs out to exercise.
I mentioned the run was rated 'easy', which is true. But we did take a couple side trails that were a bit more moderate and just added some excitement. By the end of the day, water was covering the roads, and the dirt had turned to soupy mud. Our jeep began the day clean, but came home muddy, dirty and tired.....just as we did. What an awesome day!
Our motto is, 'We are not too pretty to get dirty!'

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Jeep run looks like alot of fun see you next week nad please bring back the warm weather.