4 oz. - a year ago it was 6 oz. I was going to pitch the larger one because it is basically gone, but now I think I will try to squeeze some more out of it. We are being duped. |
A simple can of tomatoes. The one on the left is 14.5 oz, purchased some time ago. The one on the right is obviously Walmart's Great Value brand, which I seriously try to avoid purchasing, but did so because it was cheaper. That didn't work so well, I am getting 4 oz. less. The can weighs in at a measly 10 oz. |
I was frustrated while at Wal-mart today as I noticed yet another increase in the cost of food.
First, I headed towards the pharmacy area to get all my non food items. One of the items was my moisturizer. To anyone that knows me, you know I do not really do makeup, and I've always used the cheapest Olay mositurizer out there. It has always run between $4-5 dollars and lasts forever. Today I had a $1.00 off coupon for it....thinking I'm so clever I find it on the shelf, but guess what? Now they want $6.87 for it!! What the heck! Even with my $1.00 off, it still cost me more than I've ever paid. But, that's not all. When I got home and took it out of the box, I was like 'what?' It was smaller, too! Sure enough, a whole 2 oz. smaller. So, I've paid more money and got less! ---frustrating.
Back to Wal-mart. I wheeled my cart down the coffee and bread aisle and noticed the coffee Henry drinks is $2.00 higher today than it was
two weeks ago and the coffee I drink was not even on the shelf.
Then, I was scouring the bread, looking for the least expensive white bread when a gentleman that works there asked if he could help me. I just laughed and told him 'no, I'm just looking for the cheap stuff.' He said, 'well, here, maybe this will help' and he pulled out a .55 cent off coupon for Mrs. Bairds white bread. I thanked him and accepted the coupon. The $1.78 loaf was now $1.23. I can handle that and it was quite nice of him.
You can see from the picture of canned tomatoes above the difference there. Less in quantity, higher in price. We have all known for a long time this has been going on as far as shrinking sizes, but as of lately, the prices are going up rapidly which is concerning. No wonder 1 in 7 Americans are on food stamps. We get to buy our own groceries and theirs, too!
I was glad to be out of Wal-mart today! With the shock at some of the prices I am sure I was talking to myself....and that's never a good thing when you're alone in pubic.