
Definitely not 70 Degrees Today

Oh boy. This cold front that arrived 3 days ago is still here. It is cloudy, it is dreary, it is windy and it is most definitely cold. I am seriously hoping for it to move on out. And soon.

We have not gone anywhere for 3 days and in less than 400 square feet it gets rather boring, rather quick. There is only so much surfing the net or surfing the channels one person can do. As for walking the dog to get outside.....yup. That'll get you out....and you'll freeze your behind off in the process. That wind is brutal.

For some reason, around mid morning, we discovered we have no water. It's not a problem in the motor home, it is an issue with public water. Either a line broke or they turned the water off for repairs and failed to notify us. Regardless, I had just turned on the washing machine, and had not yet done the dishes, so am glad we always keep our tank full.

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