They, you know, the companies that make, package and distribute the food believe they have outsmarted and outwitted us by making the product smaller in size. A clever marketing technique to boost their own profits while raping us.
Of course, there's not a darn thing we can do about it, but I thought it'd be interesting to see just how much a decrease in size and increase in price I will see in the products I use. I am going to keep track of a few items and will start with these cookies.
Chips Ahoy Chewy - 19.5 oz. $1.98 (wal-mart)purchased one week ago.
Chips Ahoy Heath - 14.5 oz. $1.98 (wal-mart)purchased today.
It doesn't matter that the two are not exactly the same type of cookie, what matters is the size and price.
We'll be watching and posting various products here.
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