
Making an Offer

What a rollercoaster ride. Yesterday I was looking for houses, last night we talked and decided the condo. might be the ticket, so as I write this, our realtor is writing up our offer. If the seller accepts, then great, if not, that's okay, too. 

The other excitement in my world today was with our daughter. 3 days ago she lost her voice to a whisper only. She went to the doctor and was told she has laryngitis. He prescribed antibiotics and sent her on her way.
The problem is, she's got a dry, hacking  cough that won't stop, and she seems to be getting worse. Thankfully, she finally called in sick today and is home, but now she says it's difficult to breathe and her chest hurts. --So her and I have been emailing back and forth all day...me trying to convince her that maybe she ought to visit the doctor again, her saying 'no, I'm alright.'

--Now, my sister in law was online, and the two of us were instant messaging each other, meanwhile, she's  on Skype with her daughter who lives in Germany and who just HAPPENS to be a nurse. They were giving me advice on what Amanda should do.

From Germany to Alaska, to Texas, then on to Arizona. Instant communication...WOW What a world we live in!

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