
Location Of Nuclear Sites Leaked By WH

U.S. Government 'accidentally' (??!!) released detailed information including locations, including maps showing specific loctions, of our nation's nuclear sites.....click on title for article. See excerpt below.

President Barack Obama sent the document to the Congress May 5 for review and possible revision, and the Government Printing Office subsequently posted the draft declaration on its web site. As of Tuesday evening, the reasons for that action remained a mystery, the Times said.

Ok, so BHO submitted the 266 pages to congress on the 5th of May. Here we are, almost 4 weeks later. Has this report been on the web for all the world to see over the past month? And none of the clowns at the White House noticed? Uh huh. I love the statement 'the reasons for that action remained a mystery.'

Accident. Mystery. White House. U.S. Government. Barack Hussein Obama.
If this action is any indication of the (in)competence of our Government, be afraid. Very afraid.
So, what? Push 'send' to congress....AND, push 'send' to publish on the internet? Yup, sounds about right.

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